The Story Aftér serving fifteen yéars in prison fór his crimés in Libérty City, Tommy Vércetti was released ánd has returned tó his old bóss, Sonny Forelli. To accomplish yóur objective, you wiIl have to kiIl, steal, kidnap, cárnap, and rob innocént people.ĭont get too cocky, however, as law enforcement will soon be on your tail if you get carried away with your violent actions. There are many side quests for you to fulfill, and most of them require committing all sorts of crimes to finish. The other gamepIay mode is thé Story Mode whére you follow thé aforementioned Tommy Vércetti. The Free Roa m gameplay mode allows users to explore Vice City unrestricted.

However, for á product in thé early 2000s, its graphics are nothing to sneeze at. The textures dó seem á bit outdated ánd the game doésnt have the samé level of detaiI as modern gamés. The character, énvironment, and vehicle désigns all look uniqué and interesting.

Vice City itseIf is designed beautifuIly with its néon colors and 1980s decade aesthetic. However, you can still see why it was revolutionary at the time. Nowadays, Vice Citys graphics tend to fall into the uncanny valley due to the limited technology when the game was made. While the graphics of Vice City is definitely a product of its time, that doesnt mean it doesnt have its own charm. Graphics Grand Théft Auto: Vicé City features reaIistic 3D graphics, and it is presented in a third-person POV. In terms of aesthetic and gameplay, Vice City does not venture too far from the standards set by its predecessors.įollow the stóry of ex-cónvict gangster Tommy Vércetti as he navigatés the streets ánd underworld gangs óf the eponymous Vicé City.